Matteo has short brown hair and is wearing black suit and patterned tie.

Dr Matteo Zambelli

Associate Professor
School of Law

Matteo Zambelli is a partner in the corporate and commercial practice of the law firm Zambelli Tassetto, Studio Legale, and an Associate Professor on the University of West London LL.M  (Master of Laws) (International Commercial and Shipping Law, International Banking Law, Legal Aspects of International Finance and International Arbitration modules) and LL.B (Company Law module) programmes.

Matteo is admitted to the New York State Bar, Solicitor England and Wales, Solicitor Ireland (non-practicing in the jurisdiction), and to the Venice roll of attorneys (with higher right of audience).

  • Qualifications

    LLB (University of Greenwich), PgDip Legal Practice, LLM (University College, London), PhD (Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin), Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice (University of West London) and Diploma in International Arbitration (The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators).

  • Memberships

    Fellow of The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb)
    Member of the New York State Bar
    Law Society of England and Wales
    Law Society of Ireland
    Italian Bar (Venice Law Society)
    London Court of International Arbitration’s Young International Arbitration Group
    Venice Chamber of National and International Arbitration Association
    International Swaps and Derivatives Association
    Senior Fellow Advance HE


I am a partner in the corporate finance practice of the law firm Zambelli Tassetto, Studio Legale, and an Associate Professor at the University of West London LL.M  (Master of Laws) (International Commercial and Shipping Law, International Banking Law, Legal Aspects of International Finance and International Arbitration modules) and LL.B (Company Law module) programmes.

  • Research and publications


    Zambelli, M. (2018) The role of trust law and of commercial trustees in Irish securitisation transactions, Trusts e attività fiduciarie, Vol. 6 Ipsoa Wolter Kluvert.

    Zambelli, M. (2017) Commento all’ art. 198 del d.lgs.  50/2016 (Commentary on Article 198 of the New Public Procurement Contracts Code), Tribuna Editore.

    Zambelli, M. (2015) Commento agli articoli 162 e 163 del Codice Appalti (Commentary on Articles 162 and 163 of the Italian Public Procurement Contracts Code), Commentario Breve alle Leggi in Materia di Edilizia ed Urbanistica, Breviaria Iuris, Cedam.

    Zambelli, M. (2013) Commento agli articoli 190, 191, 192 e 193 del Codice Appalti (Commentary on Articles 190, 191, 192 and 193 of the Italian Public Procurement Contracts Code) (publication pending by Egea Editore).

    Zambelli, M. (2011) Inghilterra: il mercato immobiliare ad uso commerciale (The English Commercial Real Estate Market), Immobili e Proprietà, 2/2011, Ipsoa Editore.

    Zambelli, M. (2011) Concorrenza nel settore farmaceutico: seconda indagine conoscitiva della Commissione Europea sugli accordi transattivi in materia di brevetti (Competition in the pharmaceutical sector: the second Commission's monitoring exercise of patent settlements), Il Diritto Industriale, 3/2011, Ipsoa Editore.

    Zambelli, M. (2011) La responsabilità extracontrattuale dello Stato nell’implementazione del Diritto Europeo: il contesto Comunitario e l’esperienza Inglese (The Member States liability in the implementation of European law: the European and English experiences), Ital. Dir. Pubbl. Comunitario Law Review, 3-4/2011 Giuffrè Editore.

    Zambelli, M. (2010) Risarcimento del danno derivante dalla violazione della disciplina sugli appalti pubblici: inammissibilità dell’elemento soggettivo della colpa, in ragione di errore scusabile da parte della stazione appaltante” (Comment to the ECJ ruling (30 September 2010, No. 314) on the right to claim damages for breach of public procurement rules), soon to be published on DIRITTO e GIUSTIZI@ - Il quotidiano di informazione giuridica, Giuffrè Editore.

    Zambelli, M. (2010) La responsabilità della Pubblica Amministrazione nel Diritto Inglese, (Public Authorities Liability under English Law) Diritto Pubblico Comparato ed Europeo Law Review, 3/2010.

    Zambelli, M. (2010) Le agevolazioni fiscali sulla proprietà intellettuale in Irlanda (Tax Incentives on Intellectual Property in Ireland), Commercio Internazionale, 12/2010, Ipsoa Editore.

    Zambelli, M. (2005) Investire in Irlanda: considerazioni di carattere fiscale (Investing in Ireland: An Overview of the Tax Implications), Commercio Internazionale 23/2005, Ipsoa Editore.

    Zambelli, M. (2005) Obtaining information from English Banks for use in foreign civil proceedings: the Banker’s duty of confidentiality, New York International Law Review (Winter Issue 2005).

    Zambelli, M. (2004) Apportionment of risk in the FIDIC Condition (1999) for Civil Engineering Works (Red Book), Law Review, February 2004.

    Zambelli, M. (2004) L’ammissibilità ed il riconoscimento delle clausole di scelta del foro competente nel diritto federale americano (Choice of forum clauses in US Federal Law), Law Review, January 2004.

  • Conferences

    15 December 2017 - Seminar on Antitrust Compliance, Venice, Italy.

    June and July 2014 - Speaker at the seminars organised by the Venice Civil Lawyers Association (Camera Civile Veneziana) on 'Information, suitability and appropriateness in relation to investment services or activities' and 'OTC derivatives and the responsibilities of credit and financial institutions'.

    4 April 2012 - Lecture on 'Drafting and Enforcing an Arbitration Agreement' to be delivered to the LLM International Business and Commercial Law – University of West London.

    30 March 2012 - Lecture on 'Judicial remedies under EU Law' delivered to the European Law Course - University of Padua Political Sciences School.

    9 March 2012 - Lecture on 'European Union: Courts structure and judicial remedies', delivered to the Master in EU Integration - Department of International Studies, University of Padua.

    30 January 2012 - Lecture on 'Administrative and other jurisdictions in Italy' delivered to the Law School of the Law Society of Padua.

    9 December 2011 – Lecture on 'Structured Finance and Securitisation' delivered to the LLM International Banking and Finance Law - University of West London.

    1 December 2011 - Lecture on 'The EU Common Commercial Policy and the WTO' delivered to the Law of the EU External Market Course, University of Padua Political Sciences School.

    28 October 2011 - Lecture on 'Exclusionary abuses by dominant undertakings' delivered to the EC Competition Law Course - University of Padua Law School.

    7 April 2011 - Lecture on 'Legal professional privilege and in-house lawyers', delivered to the European Law Course - University of Padua Political Sciences School.

    6 April 2011 - Lecture on 'The refusal to license intellectual property and other abusive behaviours' delivered to the European Law Course - University of Padua Political Sciences School.

    10 December 2010 - Lecture on 'External Relations of the EU and Competition Law' delivered to the Law of the EU External Market Course, University of Padua Political Sciences School.

    25 November 2010 - Lecture on 'IP Rights and Abuse of Dominant Position: the Microsoft’s decision' delivered to the EC Competition Law Course - University of Padua Political Sciences School.

    19 November 2010 - Speaker at the conference organised by the Venice Civil Lawyers Association (Camera Civile Veneziana) on the subject of banking regulation.

    20 October 2010 - Presentation given to the Thiene Municipality, Vicenza, Italy 'I fondi immobiliari come strumenti per la valorizzazione del patrimonio immobiliare comunale' (real estate investment fund as an instrument to unlock value in the municipality’s assets).

    11/12 October 2010 - Speaker at the roundtable discussion on 'Being a Lawyer and a Banker in the City: an Italian’s Experience', University of Padua Law School.

    April 2010 - 'Trasparenza, bisogno di credito, utilizzo eterodosso dei derivati' (Transparency, credit availability and improper use of financial derivatives) - Speaker at the conference organised by the Venice Civil Lawyers Association (Camera Civile Veneziana) on the subject of banking transparency.

    November 2008, Madrid - Guía práctica sobre liquidación de operaciones bajo Acuerdos Marco ISDA (A practical guide to closing out transactions under an ISDA Master Agreement), presentation delivered to Spanish bankers.

    May 2007 - Trinity College Dublin - 'Disclosure Opacity and the Financial Crisis', presentation to PhD students.