policy information

Last revised: April 2022

Process for the approval of UWL policies

Process for the approval of UWL policies

1. Role of policies, regulations, procedures

1.1 University documents will fall into one of the following categories:

  • Strategies
  • Policies
  • Regulations
  • Procedures
  • Guidance (which is advisory and should supplement a policy)

1.2 Strategies define the direction and scope of the University over the long-term to ensure continuous improvement and meet stakeholder expectations.

1.3 Policies, which are formally agreed and must be adhered to, underpin the work of the University and provide the parameters within which University staff and students operate on a range of matters. They often express principles to govern defined areas of University life. They also set out how certain aspects of the law will be put into practice by the University and are designed to influence and determine all major decisions and actions, and all activities take place within the boundaries set by them.

1.4 Regulations are the rules which govern the University’s academic and financial operations.

1.5 Procedures are the specific methods employed to put policies and regulations in action in day-to-day operations of the organisation. They should define the steps to be followed in performing particular tasks and/or processes.

1.6 Guidance is produced to help staff implement policy and procedure.

1.7 For all the above University documents it is important that they meet the needs of the University, are easy to understand, and balance conciseness with clarity. Policies should also be written in inclusive language.

2. Policy approval process

2.1 Regulations and policies may be initiated in one of the University’s departments or committees, but all regulations and policies must be agreed upon formally. In many cases, this will involve consultation, particularly on matters relating to staff and students. However, not all policies will require widespread consultation.

2.2 To ensure appropriate consideration, policies should go through an appropriate Committee for consideration prior to submission to Academic Board or the Board of Governors. This should include VCE where appropriate prior to any wider consultation where key policy or strategic decisions are required. VCE may also approve policies within its remit.

2.3 Where appropriate they will have been submitted to the Recognised Trades Unions for consultation. Those affecting students should be discussed with the SU through an appropriate channel and considered by the Student Liaison Committee of the Board of Governors or in the case of academic matters through the Academic Board and the relevant committees.

2.4 Where policies impact equality, diversity and inclusion issues, consideration of any impact should be included in the development of the policy or the amendments. These should be outlined in the paper requesting approval. Consideration should be given to the effects of the policy on those with protected characteristics to ensure that the policy or any changes to it do not discriminate or cause barriers or adverse effects. Where data is required to review this, it should be provided suitably anonymised at the point of consultation and approval as appropriate. These policies should be considered by the Equality and Diversity Advisory Group in addition to the appropriate staff or student consultation.

2.5 Sustainability issues should also be considered when developing a new policy or revising an existing one.

2.5 As a general rule, policies should be approved as follows:

Board of Governors:

  • Approves the overall strategy for the University
  • Approves the policies which form the employment framework (through the Workforce Advisory Committee)
  • Approves policies with a major impact on the University or with significant legal implications (e.g. Data Protection, Safeguarding, Prevent etc.)
  • Approves Student Disciplinary Regulations and the Student Code of Conduct through the Student Liaison Committee
  • Approves the Financial Regulations through the Finance Committee

Academic Board:

  • Approves the academic framework for UWL courses and student activity including Academic Regulations, Quality Assurance Policy and Procedure. It should also approve strategies relating to Teaching and Learning, Research etc.

Vice Chancellor’s Executive:

  • Approves all other policies as appropriate. Such policies may have been to SMG, the Health, Safety and Welfare Committee etc.

3. Format of policies

3.1 All policies should have a front page that sets out the title of the policy and also the owner, when approved and when reviewed and, where appropriate, who was consulted (as per the cover of this guidance).

3.2 Policies should be appropriately numbered with paragraphs numbered for ease of reference. Where it is lengthy, a contents page should be included. Paragraphs and headings should align properly. The font should be Ariel. Pages should be numbered.

3.3 Where a document sets out a process, it should, wherever possible, have an accompanying flow chart.

3.4 All policies should conform to accessibility requirements as per the UWL guidance on our accessibility page.

4. Publication of policies

4.1 All regulations, policies and strategies should be located on the appropriate page on the University website.

4.2 It is the responsibility of the policy owner to ensure that new policies and updated versions are published on the website.