Policy information

  • Responsibility of: Environmental Operations Group
  • Initial approval date: June 2023
  • Next review: June 2024
  • Approved by: Vice-Chancellor’s Executive


1. Introduction

1.1 The University of West London (UWL) is committed to promoting sustainability and minimising our environmental impact.

1.2 This sustainable travel policy outlines our dedication to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, conserving resources and supporting local economies through sustainable transportation practices.

1.3 The Policy also emphasises the most sustainable mode of transport for our key stakeholders to consider while travelling, while taking into account UWL's location in an urban environment with close connectivity to good public transportation networks.

2. Scope

2.1 This policy applies to all members of the University community, including staff, students and contractors, when travelling for University-related purposes.

3. Sustainable transportation options

3.1 Active travel:

  • Individuals are encouraged to utilise bicycles or choose walking as a mode of transportation for short-distance trips within the campus or nearby areas.
  • The University is a member of the Cycle2Work scheme enabling staff to purchase a new bike at a discounted price.
  • Dedicated shower and changing room facilities are available at St. Mary’s Road, Cavendish House and Century House, Paragon House, Fountain House and Ruskin College.

3.2 Shuttle bus: 

  • We operate a daily shuttle bus service, which has a dedicated route of travelling to all the UWL sites in west London.
  • The shuttle bus is free to use by staff, students, contractors and registered visitors.

3.3 Public transportation: 

  • We encourage the use of public transportation, such as buses, trains and rail for commuting and travel between campuses or nearby destinations.

3.4 Car sharing:

  • We promote car sharing among individuals travelling to the same destination, especially for off-campus events or conferences.

3.5 Electric vehicles:

  • We support the use of electric vehicles (EVs) for University-owned or rented vehicles and strive to provide adequate charging infrastructure on campus.

4. Travel reduction

4.1 Flexible working arrangement:

  • In line with the University's HR policies, staff can make a formal request for flexible working arrangements, such as remote working options and flexible schedules.
  • UWL also have the technology to support online working and online meetings. Video conferencing tools are available for meetings, conferences and academic collaborations.

4.2 UWLFlex:

  • Students can access learning resources through the UWLFlex digital platform. UWLFlex supports students' continued learning, particularly outside of in-person sessions.

5. Business travel planning and approval process

5.1 Justification:

  • Individuals must provide a clear justification for the necessity of travel and demonstrate efforts to explore alternative options that minimise environmental impact.

5.2 Prioritising sustainable options:

  • Travellers should give preference to sustainable transportation options and consider the environmental impact when planning their trips.
  • Individuals should adopt the travel hierarchy in Figure 1 for sustainable travel decision-making to prioritise low-carbon options and to avoid high-carbon travel modes.

Figure 1 Travel hierarchy (highest-lowest priority):

  1. Active travel
  2. UWL shuttle bus
  3. Public transportation
  4. Car sharing
  5. Electric vehicles
  6. Conventional vehicles
  7. Aviation

6. Awareness and education

6.1 We are dedicated to raising awareness and educating our University community about the importance of sustainable travel practices.

6.2 All staff, students and contractors are made aware about sustainable travel initiatives through training that is embedded into our induction process.

7. Monitoring and reporting

7.1 In accordance with the University's business travel guide, we will work with our travel management services provider to continuously improve the collection and quality of data on travel-related carbon emissions.

7.2 We will utilise our existing travel booking platform to track and report travel-related data, including the number of trips, mode of transportation used and associated carbon emissions.

7.3 Regular assessments and reports will be conducted to measure progress towards our sustainability goals.

8. Implementation and review

8.1 The policy will be implemented by the Property Services department and the Procurement department.

8.2 The Sustainability Management Board will be responsible for ensuring compliance with relevant regulations, guidelines and sustainability goals.

8.3 It is the role of the Environmental Operations Group to devise the policy commitments, monitor and report to the Vice Chancellor’s Executive on progress.

8.4 Progress towards achieving the identified commitments will be communicated to all relevant stakeholders.

8.5 A summary of the University’s environmental sustainability performance will be included in the annual reports.

8.6 This policy will be reviewed annually.