Policy information

  • Responsibility of: Environmental Operations Group
  • Initial approval date: June 2023
  • Next review: June 2024
  • Approved by: Vice-Chancellor’s Executive



1. Introduction

1.1 The University of West London (UWL) recognises the importance of biodiversity conservation and understands the role it plays in promoting a sustainable future.

1.2 As an institution of higher education, we are committed to integrating biodiversity considerations into all aspects of our operations, research, education and community engagement.

1.3 This policy outlines our commitment to biodiversity conservation and sets forth guidelines for its implementation.

2. Objectives

2.1 The University will:

  • Conserve and enhance biodiversity on campus through the protection, restoration and sustainable management of ecosystems
  • Incorporate biodiversity considerations into the planning, design and maintenance of campus infrastructure and landscapes
  • Promote biodiversity education and awareness among the University community, fostering a culture of environmental stewardship
  • Support research and innovation in biodiversity conservation, fostering collaborations and partnerships within the scientific community
  • Engage with local communities, stakeholders and conservation organisations to contribute to regional and global biodiversity conservation efforts

3. Policy statements

3.1 Campus ecosystem management:

  • UWL will identify and assess campus ecosystems to understand their ecological value and develop appropriate management plans.

  • The University will prioritise the conservation and restoration of native plant and animal species, emphasising the use of sustainable practices, such as native landscaping, habitat restoration and integrated pest management.

  • Invasive species management plans will be developed and implemented to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive species that negatively impact native biodiversity. 

3.2 Sustainable infrastructure and landscapes:

  • Biodiversity considerations will be integrated into the planning, design, construction and maintenance of campus infrastructure, including buildings, roads, parking areas and outdoor spaces. 
  • Green infrastructure practices, such as rain gardens, green roofs and permeable pavements, will be utilised to enhance habitat connectivity, manage stormwater and promote biodiversity within built environments, where possible. 
  • Native and diverse plant species will be prioritised in landscaping efforts, minimising the use of pesticides and chemical fertilisers that harm biodiversity, where possible.

3.3 Biodiversity education and awareness: 

  • UWL will integrate biodiversity education into the curriculum across disciplines, providing students with opportunities to learn about and engage in biodiversity conservation. 
  • Awareness campaigns, workshops and events will be organised to educate and engage the University community in biodiversity conservation efforts. 
  • Partnerships will be established with local schools, organisations and communities to promote biodiversity awareness and provide outreach programs.

3.4 Research and innovation:

  • The University will support interdisciplinary research initiatives focused on biodiversity conservation, fostering collaborations between departments, research centres and external partners.
  • The University will actively participate in scientific networks and engage in knowledge sharing to contribute to the advancement of biodiversity science and conservation.

4. Implementation and review

4.1 The policy will be implemented through the Environmental Operations Group (EOG) that is responsible for overseeing its implementation, monitoring progress and ensuring compliance with relevant regulations and guidelines.

4.2 It is the role of the EOG to devise and deliver the policy commitments and report to the Vice Chancellor’s Executive on progress.

4.3 Progress towards achieving the identified commitments will be communicated to all relevant stakeholders.

4.4 A summary of the University’s environmental sustainability performance will be included in the annual reports.

4.5 This policy will be reviewed annually.