Policy Information

  • Responsibility of: PVC Academic
  • Approval date: January 2021
  • Reviewed: December 2020
  • Reviewed by: Education Committee

Lecture Capture Policy

This policy sets out the manner in which The University of West London manages the recording and replay of lectures and other presentations for educational purposes.

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1. Introduction

1.1 This policy explains the rationale for recording lectures, outlines the processes that are involved and describes the rights and responsibilities of staff, students and the University.

The following policies are also relevant to the use of recording teaching materials:

  • Data Protection Policy
  • Disciplinary Regulations (Students)
  • Staff Disciplinary Policy
  • Staff and Student Intellectual Property Policies
  • Internet Usage and Monitoring Policy

All University policies are available on our policies and regulations webpage.

1.2 The term ‘staff’ is used in this policy to include all categories of staff whether employed temporarily or permanently by the University of West London and includes hourly paid lecturers. It does not include guest or visiting lecturers, they are covered separately in 4.7.

2. Rationale

2.1 Recording of teaching material is intended for use by students to learn online, or review materials for the modules on which they are enrolled during their period of study at UWL.

2.2 Recorded teaching materials benefit all students by providing an opportunity to access remote learning, and/or re-visit material presented to them during class. It is particularly useful for reviewing complex information, new terminology and difficult concepts.

2.3 Recorded learning materials are particularly beneficial to certain groups of students, for example those with specific learning needs or preferences; and those whose first language is not English.

2.4 In the context of COVID-19, the University provides in-person teaching as well as with online learning. This may change in the future based on government guidance. It is important to ascribe the same degree of importance to those modes of study; and it is important that students attend both where possible, and both are as important to attend by students.

3. Usage

3.1 Lecture Capture of sessions taught on campus is available in all lecture theatres and specific teaching rooms across all University sites. It can also be used to post recorded videos when the University is in remote learning mode.

3.2 In most on-site locations, lecture capture records audio and what is displayed on the computer screen. In a select number of locations, e.g., specialist rooms, video can also be recorded.

3.3 Not all teaching activities are suitable for lecture capture. It is intended that only lectures will be recorded as a matter-of-course. All lectures timetabled in UWL Replay rooms will be recorded automatically whenever feasible. Seminars and other classes are not recorded automatically, but other teachings can be recorded if beneficial for students. Recordings can be manually initiated in any UWL Replay classroom using lecture capture tools.

3.4 For automated recordings, UWL Replay is configured to record the lecturer and is intended to be used to record the presentation elements of a class. Staff have the ability to control which sections of a lecture are recorded using the ‘Pause’ function. For example, this can be used to avoid recording group activities or confidential discussions.

3.5 Staff have the ability to edit and delete material after recording.

3.6 Most lectures will be available the same day automatically. If editing is required, recordings should be made available via the VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) within a reasonable period of time, normally within three days of the lecture taking place.

3.7 Whilst UWL will use every effort to ensure that recordings are available there may be instances where there are, for example, IT or operational issues which will affect UWL’s ability to provide access to such recordings.

3.8 No copying, circulating, or recording by students of these recordings is permitted. Downloaded recordings must be deleted once used. Any violation will fall under the University disciplinary policies mentioned in 1.2.

3.9 Recordings will be retained for up to 4-years beyond the current academic year to match the availability of the VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) courses to students. After this period, recordings will be deleted.

4. Data protection, copyright and other rights

4.1 In terms of data protection, teaching materials recordings are made under the lawful basis of ‘public task’ related to the University’s teaching and learning.

4.2 It is the responsibility of the staff member using UWL systems to ensure that the material does not breach copyright and that all necessary consents to use of third-party materials have been obtained. The University will provide the necessary guidance (See section 6).

4.3 In accordance with UWL’s Staff Intellectual Property Policy, copyright in teaching materials resides with UWL.

4.4 Staff are asked to temporarily assign their performer’s rights to the University in order to allow students access to those recordings.

4.5 Moral rights (i.e. right to be identified as the author of copyright work and right to object to any derogatory treatment of the work) do not apply in copyright terms to works created as part of staff employment, but those rights can be asserted by individuals if they wish to have their work attributed.

4.6 Recording of teaching materials is not intended for use as a performance management tool. However, the University reserves the right to use these recordings where this might be pertinent under existing policies (see para 1.2).

4.7 Recording of guest lecturers or visiting speakers requires their explicit consent. The event organiser must obtain written consent from guest lecturers using the Lecture Capture Visitor Consent Form (see Appendix 1).

4.8 Students will be informed of rooms and classes where the lecture will be recorded, before the start of the lecture. Rooms are also provided with signs and lights, when recordings are taking place. Students who do not wish to be included in the recording may sit outside of the microphone range (and camera’s field in case of video recording) or request that their contribution be deleted.

4.9 Where students are recorded, they may request that the specific section of the session including them is deleted. Such request must be legitimate and proper and made immediately after the recording has been made to the member of staff recording the lecture; and at the latest within 72 hours of the recording taking place. In the event that staff are unable to agree to the deletion, the Head of the School shall consider the matter and make the decision.

4.10 In rooms without UWL Replay students can make personal recordings of the lecture but they must obtain the permission of the lecturer in advance. These recordings must not be copied or circulated and should be deleted once they have been used.

5. Support and training

5.1 The University of West London will provide support and training to ensure that all staff concerned are appropriately supported for Lecture Capture and to adhere to copyright legislation:

6. Communication of policy and internal communications

6.1 This policy is publicly available on the University of West London website. Communications will be made to all staff and students when it is reviewed.

7. Changes to the policy

7.1 The University of West London reserves the right to modify or add to this policy at any time. Any material changes will be considered, reviewed and communicated appropriately.

8. Responsibility for the policy

8.1 Responsibility for this policy lies with the PVC Academic.

Further information on UWL Replay

Appendix 1: Visitor consent form

This form should be completed by any external visitor (including guest lecturer) who has agreed to be recorded by the University of West London.