School of Human and Social Sciences leader authors new child safeguarding standard

Dr Simon Ian Fox was selected to author a new child safeguarding standard in out-of-school settings for global certification body The British Standards Institution (BSI).

A father and child walking

Students and graduates discover a wide range of employment opportunities at spring part-time jobs fair

Seventeen guest employers representing a variety of companies attended the fair to network with students and graduates and share employment opportunities and initiatives on offer.

Student attendees chat to representatives at the University of West London spring part-time jobs fair

Regional Business Reception celebrates UWL’s links in the local community

Representatives from around 70 organisations attended including partners such as Brentford Football Club, London Chamber of Commerce and Heathrow Airport.

Attendees at the Regional Business Expo mingling at the University of West London

Keen beans: Future Plates Future Chefs shows sustainable ways to feed people better

UWL recently hosted 70 students and guests in its Pillars Restaurant for Future Plates Future Chefs, an annual event exploring sustainable food education in the hospitality sector.

A platter of food being presented by a student chef in a University of West London kitchen

International relations: UWL’s London Geller College of Hospitality and Tourism (LGCHT) hosts Franco-British culinary competition - L'Entente Cordiale Culinaire

The University of West London was delighted to host the latest Franco-British Entente Cordiale culinary competition in its 20th anniversary year.

Student chefs posing with Michel Escoffier at the University of West London Entente Cordiale Culinaire event

Fashion Industry students create social media campaign for British brand during London Fashion Week

London Fashion Week saw the launch of an exciting social media campaign, produced for Alchemy London by students at the London School of Film, Media and Design.

Three women wearing outfits designed by Alchemy London, for an advertising campaign by University of West London students

University of West London shortlisted for multiple London Higher awards

UWL has up for a total of three awards across 12 categories. Winners will be announced on 24 June.

Logo for London Higher: Supporting Higher Education in London

UWL holds London focused Levelling Up event at the House of Commons

The Centre for Inequality and Levelling Up (CEILUP) – part of the University of West London – recently held a special event at Westminster discussing the topics of Levelling Up in London, inequality in the capital and how they can be addressed by government.

A group of people having a discussion at a CEILUP (University of West London) event at the House of Commons

UWL hosts inaugural TEDx event: Beyond Boundaries: Unleashing Limitless Perspectives

Topics under discussion included SEGA Europe and cyber security; research on astronaut bone health using smart tech to improve osteoporosis; digital dexterity, artificial intelligence (AI) and the future of creative communications and immersive engineering.

TEDxUniversityofWestLondon welcome from moderators Dr Reza Keihani and Dr Livia Lantini

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Crowd at a career fair

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