Student Handbook

Students sitting around a table

The Student Handbook

The Student Handbook will help you find your way around the University's facilities, services and current regulations.

It includes answers to some frequently asked questions plus advice on where you can get further information and who to ask for help. 

Policies and regulations

Further information

  • Library contact and help

    Find out more about our library contact, help, and support services.

    Student having library support with staff
  • Support for students

    Whether it is practical, personal or study support that you need, help is available and easily accessible. Find out more about all the support we have on offer for students at the University of West London.

    Two students socialising on a bench in the memorial garden at UWL.
  • Information for new students

    Everything you need to know ahead of your arrival at UWL including when you will get your joining instructions, enrolment and induction, logging into our IT systems and getting your student ID.

    Two students socialising in the memorial garden whilst sat on a bench.